Eugene Fama (Author)

Eugene Fama on his role models and inspiration

Eugene Fama on what brought him to Economic Sciences

Eugene Fama Proves Economic Incompetence Prerequisite for Nobel Prize

Masters of Finance: Eugene Fama

Eugene Fama on learning he had been awarded the prize in Economic Sciences

Why Does Nobel Economist Eugene Fama Expect Bitcoin To Become Worthless? | N18V | CNBCTV18

Eugene Fama explains his work to young students

Eugene Fama on Economic Sciences

Why This Nobel Economist Thinks Bitcoin Is Going to Zero, with Eugene Fama

Fama vs Shiller: Are markets efficient or driven by emotion?

The Mises View: 'Fama, Hansen, and Shiller' | Mark Thornton

Eugene Fama on breakthroughs in his work

Bubbles for Fama

Interview: Eugene F. Fama, 2013 Prize in Economic Sciences

Eugène F. Fama : Grand auteur en Finance néoclassique

Eugene Fama

Are Markets Efficient? (Discussing the Efficient Market Hypothesis)

Ken French: The risks of investing everything in emerging markets

A BOOK in a MINUTE: The Myth of the Rational Market by Justin Fox

Lectures: 2013 Prize in Economic Sciences

Three Economists Win Economics Nobel Prize Changed The Way Investors Behave

The Only 3 Investing Books You’ll Ever Need (Part 2)

Passive Investing - The Evidence, Part 3: A Better Alternative